Suffering for Right and Wrong – 1 Peter 3 v 13 – 14


If you’re a strong Christian like me, you may have gone through suffering for right and wrong several times. By saying that, I’m referring to people persecuting you because of your faith. They accuse you of the right thing you do for the sake of Jesus, yet they can’t discern the good in it. An example of such is praying aloud in the house. Unbelievers will say you’re making noise, but they don’t know your prayer helps them. They also accuse you of sacrificing your time for less necessary responsibilities for spending time in God’s presence. An example of such instance is choosing to do your quiet time with God every morning, instead of just waking up to sweep the house right there and then. Today’s study scripture article is for you. So read on.

Verse 13

“And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?” – 1 Peter 3:13 (NKJV)

In this verse, Peter throws a rhetorical question for believers who could get persecuted for their actions. You see, if you’re a believer, God’s Word says you’re a follower of what is good. However, the “good” Peter referred to isn’t what unbelievers see as good – like listening to worldly music or partying in nightclubs. No! These actions are what God judges as good. And I’m happy to let you know that all these things are birthed from your intimacy with Jesus.

When people persecute you for doing what is good, praise Jesus the more. However, do what is right before everyone without compromising your faith (see Romans 12:8). The Lord God will defend you.

Verse 14

[14] But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.” – 1 Peter 3:14 (NKJV)

In this verse is the central theme of this article. God’s Word says that if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. That means living right or living to please God in all purity comes with attacks. No wonder Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:12 (NKJV) that,

“Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”

From this, dear Christian, don’t see persecution as secondary. It’s part of living by faith. God knows we live in an evil age. And He will help us to overcome every challenge that attacks our faith.

You’re a blessing!

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