In my early years of life, while still a member of the Sunday School kids’ service, I heard ministers tell me, as well as others, about the unpardonable sin, that is, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. They used scriptures like Matthew 12:31 to preach it. So, I grew up confused about the exact solution to this topic until I was mature enough as a child of God to study it.
Much of the confusion many believers have around several Biblical topics is because of two primary reasons:
- Lack of adequate study on such topics
- Taking scriptures as standalone (out of context) to preach on these topics.
And this is tragic because it has left many people with unanswered questions in scripture. Today, by grace, I want to address the theology surrounding blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
The word “blasphemy” in the Bible means evil speaking, usually with the view of tarnishing another’s name. So, to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit means not giving Him due reverence for His work on this Earth. And actually, Jesus said such sin is unpardonable because, in the preceding verse, some people were attributing His miracles to the work of satan.
Even today, some believers still doubt the mighty power of God to cause miracles to happen. I cannot blame such people for thinking as such. But one thing is sure. Anybody who knows God intimately will never speak against Him. Why? For the sake of divine reverence and His holy character.
Anybody who knows God intimately will never speak against Him.
Can believers commit such a sin?
All those people who attributed Jesus’ miracles to satan didn’t know God. God, through Jesus, was standing before them, yet they didn’t know or receive Him (see John 1:11). They were a bunch of Israelites so used to living with the law that they didn’t accept the dispensation of grace. What a tragedy!
From this, believers in Christ cannot consciously commit such sin, that is, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If it happens, then such a believer is either immature of the things of the Spirit or lacks the discernment to see the manifestations of God in a person’s life.
Build an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit
The greatest way to develop increasing reverence for God is to build an intimate relationship with Him. And the more you know God, the deeper your respect for Him. Maybe you’re used to speaking roughly against the living God. Run checks on your life. Either you need salvation, or you need to grow in understanding God’s ways.
The more you know God, the deeper your respect for Him.
Confront blasphemous thoughts
However, whenever blasphemous thoughts get into your mind, confront them with the power of God. Speak the truth aloud, of course not so loud, but should be loud enough for the devil to hear you. Why do I say that? Because 2 Corinthians 10:5 says,
[5] “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”
Blasphemous thoughts are against the knowledge of God. They are of the devil. So don’t joke with them. Instead, cast them down!
May God be with you!