“God doesn’t need your permission to speak to you, but your attention to hear Him.”

In a fast advancing world of technology, too many screens seek to get our attention. God is still speaking, but we must learn how to hear him.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Once you, a believer, know this, it inspires you to labour effectively in God’s kingdom. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan.

Five Purposes of Prayer - YouVersion Plan by Christ In Andy - Graphics (Extended)

New YouVersion Plan Release

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan. 

Five Purposes of Prayer - YouVersion Plan by Christ In Andy - Graphics (Square)

New YouVersion Plan Release

Christian Content Writing

Many people search online for answers to questions about the Bible. And to see such questions answered with the direct interpretation of scripture, writing Christian web content is a part of my calling.

Christian Leadership

Many people search online for answers to questions about the Bible. And to see such questions answered with the direct interpretation of scripture, writing Christian web content is a part of my calling.

Tech Development

As a computer scientist, learning to code to build mobile apps and designing websites and graphics is my specialty.

My Works

I write, design graphics and distribute Christian digital discipleship resources to impact people for Jesus.

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Online Devotionals

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Articles Written

FI - People-pleasing Is Not Your Goal

People-pleasing Is Not Your Goal

God loves you, and it is not everything He will tell you to do that is meant for the whole world to see. People-pleasing is not your goal. So don’t settle for it.

FI - Be Anxious for Nothing

Be Anxious for Nothing

In Christ, despite your problems, it is possible to live being anxious for nothing. But it’s possible through prayer.

FI - What Does It Mean to Store Up Treasures in Heaven for Yourself

What Does It Mean to Store Up Treasures in Heaven for Yourself?

Nothing is a waste to God when you serve Him. And the more you serve, the greater your reward. That is what it means to store up treasures in heaven for yourself.

FI - Three Biblical Qualifications for a Godly Man to Date

Three Biblical Qualifications for a Godly Man to Date

With the rise of gender misconceptions amongst several people, especially in the United States, many are disregarding what the Bible teaches about godly dating, and that is really tragic. In this article, I will be writing on three biblical qualifications for a godly man to...

FI - Live Wisely in this Perverse Generation

Live Wisely in this Perverse Generation

Evil is really present in this world. Prioritising learning how to live wisely in this perverse generation is for your good. Learn more in this article today.

FI - Insurance

Insurance – Should Christians Pay for It or Not?

As a child of God taught by able ministers of grace that God is our protector, it became challenging to consider paying for insurance. It wasn’t because I didn’t have money to do it. I didn’t see the worth of its subscription since it’s been...

FI - Give the devil No Chance - 1 Peter 5 v 8-10 - Study Scripture
Study Scripture

Give the devil No Chance – 1 Peter 5 v 8-11

Amongst the many enemies believers have, the chief is the devil. He has no love, pity or sense of humour. Even in John 10:10, Jesus said clearly that this devil exists just to steal, kill and destroy. In this study scripture article, we will delve...

FI - Submission and Humility Go Hand-in-Hand
Study Scripture

Submission and Humility Go Hand-in-Hand – 1 Peter 5 v 5-7

It’s understandable that because knowledge has increased in this generation, the young generation may be more exposed to much more information and light from scripture. But God’s word says the younger should submit to the elder. Why? Because such a grown man may have experiences...

FI - Shepherd God's Flock Well
Study Scripture

Shepherd God’s Flock Well – 1st Peter 5 v 1-4

1st Peter chapter 5 is the last chapter of the epistle. And although the Apostle spoke about various things in previous verses, he knew that it was worth it to conclude his epistle by giving spiritual advice to pastors, which when followed, will sustain God’s...

FI - Praise God for Bearing Christ’s Sufferings
Study Scripture

Praise God for Bearing Christ’s Sufferings – 1 Peter 4 v 15-16

As a child of God, let it be in your consciousness that the fact that you’re born again means you’re odd. And that oddness isn’t because of anything wrong you’ve done; it’s just because God has chosen you. For that sake, you will be persecuted....

FI - Serve for God's Glory
Study Scripture

Serve for God’s Glory – 1 Peter 4 v 7-11

1st Peter chapter 4 verses 7 to 11 covers general instructions to all believers in Christ, concerning how we ought to live careful lives and behave well to one another as we serve for God’s glory. The instructions are many. But today, by God’s grace,...

FI - All People Will be Judged by the Standards of the Gospel of Christ
Study Scripture

All People Will be Judged by the Standards of the Gospel of Christ – 1 Peter 4 v 4-6

If Jesus comes today, will He judge the people in the Old Testament who lived by the Law differently from the New Testament believers? Find out the answer in this Study Scripture article.

FI - How To Manage Your Passwords With Cloud Computing Services
Articles Tech Tips

How To Manage Your Passwords With Cloud Computing Services

As technology advances, multiple passwords are needed to be created to distinguish access codes an individual needs to perform tasks online. However, the more these passwords get used, the more strain it puts on people to remember each one of them. Learn how to manage...

organisational bugs
Articles Tech Tips

What Are Organisational Bugs?

A bug in computing is a fault in a computer program, system or machine. So an organisational bug means a prevailing fault in an institution that ought to be dealt with. Sometimes, it’s hard to detect them, even by the leader. Read more about solving...

cultivate the habit of reading sound christian content
Articles Tech Tips

Cultivate The Habit of Reading Sound Christian Content

Reading is essential to broadening your knowledge in any area of life. Yes, not every book is relevant for our lives to read. But what about sound Christian content? Learn how to cultivate the habit of reading these types of resources.

five great christian websites
Articles Tech Tips

Five Great Christian Websites That Will Help You Grow Spiritually

There are several Christian websites that can help you grow spiritually. In today’s article, I wrote about five of them. Check it out.

How To Manage Your Pastoral Resources Using Cloud Computing Systems
Articles Tech Tips

How To Manage Your Ministry Resources Using Cloud Computing Systems

Cloud computing is one aspect of technology that’s fast advancing. As a minister, you must understand how it works, so it can help you work

Digital Bible Study tools
Articles Tech Tips

Three digital tools to help you study the Bible

Technology is neither good not evil. For Christians, it's for our good. Knowing how to use these digital tools to help you study the Bible is very essential.

My YouVersion Bible Reading Plans

Five Purposes of Prayer

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Once you, a believer, know this, it inspires you to labour effectively in God’s kingdom. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan.

The Nine Beatitudes of Jesus

God has ordained you for greatness. But there are some attitudes that must be developed in you before you’ll get to that height of greatness God purposed for you. In this plan, I’ll help you cover all the nine beatitudes Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5:1-12.

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