As a preacher of the gospel of Christ, I can attest that many struggle with what to preach, not because they haven’t heard from the Lord what to say, but other facts. Some battle with the fear of man. Some also fear that the people of God will hate the truth or even leave church when they preach convicting messages that address issues, especially about sin and lawlessness. If what you are reading today resonates with your case, know that there is hope for you in the Lord.
The consecration of the prophet Micaiah
If you are unfamiliar with reading the Old Testament books, then I think the name “Micaiah” is relatively unfamiliar to you from scripture. He was a prophet of God who lived during the days of King Ahab of Israel. According to 1 Kings 22:8, he was hated because he didn’t prophesy what’s good but evil, even though his prophecies were always accurate. When I read that, I understood better why people hate the truth so much. It’s something that didn’t start from this generation; it has always been there, even before Jesus came to the Earth.
Micaiah, although accurate, was usually separated from people. He was consecrated to God in ways other prophets who lived during his days never did. And so because of that, he saw what was even going on in heaven when God, with others, decided to end Ahab’s life (see 1 Kings 22:16-24). I believe there is such a class of men of God in this generation. But just as there was only one during Micaiah’s days, so I fear that there are few prophets who are heavily consecrated unto God and, as such, hear God accurately.
You are in the world but are of God, not the world. As such, your value system will never be like the unbeliever.
You are not of the world
Dear believer, never get to the point where you think you and the world share the same values. No! It has never been like that and will never be. You are in the world but are of God, not the world. As such, your value system will never be like the unbeliever. While you stand for truth, others may see you as foolish. They’ll keep asking why you are like this or that. However, anytime you encounter such persecutions, remember that Jesus said the world would hate His followers, of which you are part (see Matthew 10:22). If you are being persecuted for upholding the standards of Christ in your life, commit your soul to God and endure the affliction, But remember that God’s reward for you is far greater than that affliction. Be encouraged.
Following Jesus is hard, so accept it
Following Jesus as His disciple is not easy. He said it’ll cost you some dear relationships in your life (see Matthew 10:37-39). So accept it. Usually, the people whom God calls to be separate from their idolatrous families limit their potential when they refuse to honour God’s call fully. Don’t be like that. Yes, it’s hard, but the eternal reward of obeying Christ is far better than what you’ll go through when men reject you for the cause of the gospel. Do not compromise, child of God. Stand for truth, even amid fierce opposition. God will never leave nor forsake you.