“God doesn’t need your permission to speak to you, but your attention to hear Him.”

In a fast advancing world of technology, too many screens seek to get our attention. God is still speaking, but we must learn how to hear him.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done, and visions get stunted because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. God wants to change that for you. Check out in this Bible plan.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done, and visions get stunted because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. God wants to change that for you. Check out in this Bible plan.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Christian Content Writing

Many people search online for answers to questions about the Bible. And to see such questions answered with the direct interpretation of scripture, writing Christian web content is a part of my calling.

Christian Leadership

Many people search online for answers to questions about the Bible. And to see such questions answered with the direct interpretation of scripture, writing Christian web content is a part of my calling.

Tech Development

As a computer scientist, learning to code to build mobile apps and designing websites and graphics is my specialty.

My Works

I write, design graphics and distribute Christian digital discipleship resources to impact people for Jesus.

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Online Devotionals

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Articles Written

FI - A Famine of Hearing the Words of the Lord

A Famine of Hearing the Words of the Lord

Because the world is under constant development, there will be new inventions that will try to take away the people of God’s allegiance. And because of that, there shall be a scarcity of hearing sound doctrine teaching, not because they won’t be available, but because...

FI - The Pain of Loving an Adulterous Wife

The Pain of Loving an Adulterous Spouse – Hosea’s Case as an Example

The devil, knowing how essential marriage is in God’s plan, is working day and night to destroy many homes. And sadly, many people aren’t doing much about it. Today, I want to take one incident that happened in the Bible, specifically Hosea 3, which I...

FI - Faith Without Works Is Dead - Its Meaning
Topical Bible Study

Faith Without Works Is Dead — Its Meaning

One of the ways faith has to be used is simply for work. So, James 2:26 confirms it by saying that faith without works is dead. That means a believer who doesn’t use his faith to work has a dormant faith in him. And once...

FI - Timely Obedience to God - Joseph's Case as an Example

Timely Obedience to God – Joseph’s Case as an Example

Timely obedience to God can prevent delays in your life and save generations of people from encountering things they aren’t supposed to. Never disregard God’s Word of instruction.

FI - Teaching Sound Doctrine

Teaching Sound Doctrine – The Principal Work of Every Preacher in Christ

Teaching sound doctrine is undoubtedly one of the hardest parts of every preacher’s work in Christ. It means that you ought to spend adequate time with the Bible to understand what God wants you to preach in a thorough way without errors before ministering to...

FI - Reject Some Offers to Stay with God’s Vision

Reject Some Offers to Stay with God’s Vision

God is good and wants your life to be more than ordinary. Live focused, and don’t let what others do which are not part of your divine agenda affect you. Reject some offers to stay with God’s vision.

FI - Judgment of False Teachers
Study Scripture

Judgment of False Teachers – 2 Peter 2v4-8

When humans sin, it really infuriates God. I believe the ongoing sins in this generation are far worse than those committed by the people who lived in Noah’s time. But one thing that hasn’t made God wipe out the human race was the declaration He...

FI - Beware of False Prophets
Study Scripture

Beware of False Prophets – 2 Peter 2v1-3

Have you heard of the Bereans in Acts 17:10-15. Paul preached the Word powerfully to them. But they went to check the scriptures to confirm whether or not what Paul said was true. That is wisdom. It is not enough to hear the Word of...

FI - The Reliable Prophetic Message
Study Scripture

The Reliable Prophetic Message – 2 Peter 1 v 19-21

Jesus is the reliable prophetic message that is spoken about in the verse above. His Word is dependable. He’s not like men who say one thing and do another. No! Jesus, being faithful, will never flaunt His Word concerning your life.

FI - We Did Not Follow Cunningly Devised Fables
Study Scripture

We Did Not Follow Cunningly Devised Fables – 2 Peter 1 v 16-18

The Word is truth, and it’s not fake. But to insist on this, Peter wrote about it in 2 Peter 1:16-18, where he took time to disband the claims of false teachers and prophets going around to say the gospel wasn’t relevant in those times....

FI - Keep Emphasising the Truth in Your Preaching
Study Scripture

Keep Emphasising the Truth in Your Preaching – 2 Peter 1 v 12-15

Many believers forget what they hear in church. For that reason, it will be necessary for preachers to emphasise the truth consistently. The gospel is powerful enough to keep impacting people; it’ll never make people dull of hearing. Treasure these things, dear minister.

FI - Make Your Calling and Election Sure
Study Scripture

Make Your Calling and Election Sure – 2 Peter 1 v 10-11

Receiving a calling in Christ is not enough. Neither is it enough to know you have been elected by grace (as in, God has chosen you in Christ – see Ephesians 1:4). You need diligence to ensure you reach the high calling God has destined...

FI - How To Manage Your Passwords With Cloud Computing Services
Articles Tech Tips

How To Manage Your Passwords With Cloud Computing Services

As technology advances, multiple passwords are needed to be created to distinguish access codes an individual needs to perform tasks online. However, the more these passwords get used, the more strain it puts on people to remember each one of them. Learn how to manage...

organisational bugs
Articles Tech Tips

What Are Organisational Bugs?

A bug in computing is a fault in a computer program, system or machine. So an organisational bug means a prevailing fault in an institution that ought to be dealt with. Sometimes, it’s hard to detect them, even by the leader. Read more about solving...

cultivate the habit of reading sound christian content
Articles Tech Tips

Cultivate The Habit of Reading Sound Christian Content

Reading is essential to broadening your knowledge in any area of life. Yes, not every book is relevant for our lives to read. But what about sound Christian content? Learn how to cultivate the habit of reading these types of resources.

five great christian websites
Articles Tech Tips

Five Great Christian Websites That Will Help You Grow Spiritually

There are several Christian websites that can help you grow spiritually. In today’s article, I wrote about five of them. Check it out.

How To Manage Your Pastoral Resources Using Cloud Computing Systems
Articles Tech Tips

How To Manage Your Ministry Resources Using Cloud Computing Systems

Cloud computing is one aspect of technology that’s fast advancing. As a minister, you must understand how it works, so it can help you work

Digital Bible Study tools
Articles Tech Tips

Three digital tools to help you study the Bible

Technology is neither good not evil. For Christians, it's for our good. Knowing how to use these digital tools to help you study the Bible is very essential.

My YouVersion Bible Reading Plans

Seven Biblical Principles on Finances

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done, and visions get stunted because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. God wants to change that for you. Check out in this Bible plan.

Five Purposes of Prayer

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Once you, a believer, know this, it inspires you to labour effectively in God’s kingdom. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan.

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