By the special grace of God, today is another day to continue studying the 1st Epistle of Peter, as I’ve been writing about it for weeks now. In case you missed any of the articles, you can check them here for a complete overview. Nevertheless, I would like to continue the study by considering four verses today according to the study order. That is 1 Peter 1:22-25, in which the Apostle Peter speaks about how we can love one another fervently with a pure heart in Christ. Let’s delve in.
Verse 22
“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart,”
1 Peter 1:22 (NKJV)
Now this verse, as you can see, is where I got the title for this article from. The main point Peter wants to tell the people to whom he addressed his epistle, that is, the persecuted Christian pilgrims (see 1 Peter 1:1-2), was that they should love one another in Christ fervently (passionately) with a pure heart because of a soul-purification they’ve undergone through their consistent divine obedience unto the Lord.
In other words, Peter was speaking to mature Christians, who’ve stood firm in their faith despite persecutions, to love people passionately. That implies fervent love in Christ isn’t for the immature believer but for the mature. Why? Because you’ll see flaws upon flaws in your loved ones’ lives, which has been a barricade for many to love others sacrificially. The question is, “Has your soul been purified by divine obedience unto maturity, or it’s still dirty?”
Until you’ve answered this question to yourself, I don’t think 1 Peter 1:22 is for you. Please run checks on your life. See if God has helped you overcome trials and brought the genuineness of your faith to bear or if you’re just in your comfort zone without facing persecution because of the Word in you.
Fervent love in Christ isn’t for the immature believer but for the mature.
Verse 23
“having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,”
1 Peter 1:23 (NKJV)
Verse 23 throws more light on the revelation in verse 22. And that is, we have been born again through the Word of God, which lives and abides forever. Because of the nature of the Word, it is not a corruptible seed. That implies two things:
- God’s Word is a seed in your spirit, which is of the Lord (see 1 Corinthians 6:20).
- God’s Word will never fail, no matter what happens.
So if we’re being admonished to love one another fervently with a pure heart, then God’s Word will help us walk in obedience to such a command. Think about this.
Suppose you live with another believer in the same house who does things you hate, like keeping the veranda always dirty; will you love him fervently, or will his flaws make you dislike him? The latter can happen because, according to Jesus in Matthew 24:12 (NKJV), some people’s love will wax cold due to offences. However, the former, that is, to love him fervently with a pure heart, it’s God’s Word you need.
If the Holy Spirit keeps remembering you of how wretched you were before getting saved, I don’t think you’ll hate people in sin but rather preach the Word for God to correct them in love.
Beloved, it’s God’s Word you need to navigate your relationships with people, especially marriage. For it has the power to transform your entire soul (consisting of mind, will and emotions) for Christ.
Don’t depend on anything Earthly to make decisions or draw your fulfilment in the things you have. They’ll perish with time because there’s no hope in it. Instead, let the Word of God being preached to you to date, guide you in everything you do.
Moving on to 1 Peter 24-25, the Apostle Peter compares the incorruptible nature of God’s Word and the glory of man, which requires serious consideration.
Verse 24-25
[24] because
1 Peter 1:24-25 NKJV
“All flesh is as grass,
And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass.
The grass withers,
And its flower falls away,
[25] But the word of the LORD endures forever.”
Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you.
From the verse above, God’s Word endures and abides forever, whereas all flesh is as grass – today beautiful, tomorrow its beauty fades.
The word flesh in verse 24 refers to the fallen nature of everything in this world, including the human flesh. Everything in the fallen nature doesn’t have lasting glory. Jesus even confirmed it in John 6:63 (NKJV), when He said, “… the flesh profits nothing.”
Here’s something noteworthy. Don’t depend on anything Earthly to make decisions (especially lasting ones like marriage) or draw your fulfilment in the things you have. They’ll perish with time because there’s no hope in it. Instead, let the Word of God being preached to you to date, guide you in everything you do.
You’re a blessing.