Keep Emphasising the Truth in Your Preaching – 2 Peter 1 v 12-15


I thank God for making it possible to come your way once again with another writing piece of study scripture articles I’ve been writing. On this day, I would like us to focus on important advice Peter gave to the brethren, especially to preachers, as he knew he was dying soon. It’s about the need to keep emphasising the truth in preaching. Let’s take a look at the scripture first.

[12] “For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. [13] Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, [14] knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. [15] Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease.” — 2 Peter 1:12-15 (NKJV)

Teach sound doctrine

As a preacher of the gospel, your primary duty is to teach sound doctrine. It’s the Word of God that sustains a church, not signs and wonders. If you stray from this, you’ll lead people astray, and God won’t tolerate that for long. Why? Because He loves His people. He’ll guide them to places where they’ll receive nourishing spiritual food rather than staying in a ministry devoid of sound doctrine.

To teach sound doctrine, that is, the truth, you must commit to studying the Bible consistently. Dear preacher, don’t be lazy. Don’t let extra administrative tasks and curricular activities take you away from the time you use to study the Word. That lifestyle won’t help you in the end. Many preachers wouldn’t have deviated from the truth if they had spent adequate time studying the Word of God.

Emphasise the truth

Many believers forget what they hear in church. For that reason, it will be necessary for preachers to emphasise the truth consistently. For example, if God led you to teach about practising secretive fasting in church, never say that you’ve already taught about this, so there’s no need. No! Keep preaching the truth. The gospel is powerful enough to keep impacting people; it’ll never make people dull of hearing. Treasure these things, dear minister.

Be mindful about leaving a good legacy

Finally, from the verse we read above, Peter was old and probably near death at the time of that writing. He knew that for the people of God to stay grounded in the Word, they needed to be reminded of the teachings of Christ. To ensure that ministry continues to grow, even in your absence, commit the message of Christ to faithful ministers. Don’t just teach them, but commit the message.

You are a blessing.

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