Anxiety is one of the most common mental conditions among people today. But why that? It’s primarily because of the various problems they go through each day. Rarely will you meet anybody in the world for him to tell you that he’s not going through at least one issue. I once read one of Dr. Paul Enenche book’s and got a word that has stayed in my mind. He said, “Behind every smiling face is a frowning issue.” That implies that you don’t have to compare your life to someone else just because that person always smiles whenever he goes out. People have issues known to only them.
As believers, we must understand that Jesus never promised us a problem-free life in Him. In fact, He said in John 16:33 that we will have tribulation in this world. But despite all that, we should be of good cheer because He (Jesus) has overcome the world. So, in Christ, despite your problems, it is possible to live being anxious for nothing. Oh yes, it is. That is why I am writing this article today – to teach you how to be anxious for nothing, just as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:6. Keep reading.
“Behind every smiling face is a frowning issue.”
Don’t worry about your life
Anxiety usually starts with worrying. When you worry about your life, and you don’t do anything to combat it, you set up yourself to going down the road to anxiety and finally depression. Do you think so much about why this is happening in your life, why you don’t have that thing you desired, or even when God will fulfil one of your dreams? If yes, I want you to know you must do something about it. In fact, according to Philippians 4:6-7, prayer is the solution to anxiety, and peace is the immediate result of praying about your problems. Now, it isn’t because God doesn’t want to attend to your concerns. No! He wants you to be free of anxiety so you can hear Him speak to you.
Sometimes, we think about why certain things are not happening in our lives as we think about our various ages. God has plans for each one of us, and it could be that what we think so much about is either not in His plan or in it but will get fulfilled in later times. You’re not going to add a single hour to your life by worrying – said Jesus in Matthew 6:37. Don’t subscribe to worrying. Instead, do what I’m going to talk about next.
Pray about all things
In the same Philippians 4:6, it is written that prayer is the immediate solution to anxiety. That is why your life as a believer differs from that of an unbeliever. You have the advantage of prayer over every life issue, and when you use it, you can live totally without anxiety, to the point that people will be shocked about your life.
God wants you to always retain His peace within you, whether there are problems or not. That is why you must never stop praying. The more you pray, the more you’ll enjoy a life of peace in Christ.
Thank God for your life
Never forget this. Always thank God for your life. You may not be where God has shown you to be in your mind now. But you are not how you used to be. And so, for that sake, live with a grateful heart that is content with God’s doing in your life as you also trust Him to continue fulfilling every promise He makes in your life.
God will show up in your case. Never stop praying, and always remember that anxiety is a signal to pray, not to overthink or run into depression. Shalom!