How does it feel if a loved one tells you that you’ll not see him again? Isn’t it painful, especially if you depend on him to provide you with your spiritual and physical needs? Yes, it is, and that was the same way the disciples felt when Jesus told them that He was about to leave the world. They were perplexed, wondering who would be performing the miracles they’d seen over the past three years, the powerful teachings received from Him and the company they had enjoyed. But Jesus comforted them by saying,
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me”
John 14:1 (NKJV)
Today, God has several of His children scattered across the face of the Earth. And He knows many of them are facing serious life issues, some of which can cause depression for weeks. Look at that parent whose child has been trafficked or that father who has just lost his job. In this world, there are indeed tribulations, just as Jesus said (John 16:33). But as a child of God, it’s worth it to wrap yourself in the comforting words of Jesus.
Believe in God
God is your Source. He made you (Psalm 139:13-14). Before releasing you as a heritage through your parents unto the world (Psalm 127:3), He knew all the battles you’d face, the hurts you’ll endure and the diverse trials you’d fall into. So you’re not a mistake, even if you were born out of wedlock.
No plant sustains itself; the root sustains it in the soil. Your parents may be those taking care of you. But it’s God that enriches them with the provisions to give. So God is your source. Believe in Him to provide and take care of you in ways you never imagined Him to use.
Believe in Me (Jesus)
Secondly, believe in Jesus. Jesus said this to the disciples in John 14:1 so that their trust in Him and the words He told them would remain firm in their consciences. Why? Because He knew a time would come the devil could make them doubt his words. And it did happen. That’s why after His resurrection, He rebuked them of unbelief and hardness of heart (Mark 16:14).
When you receive God’s Word through a church service ministration, a sermon podcast, or in the Bible, personalise it. Wrap yourself in the Word so much and use it to pray. Work the word to see its fruition. Don’t be lazy.
Jesus is the Word, so believing in Him is believing in what He has said. Don’t allow your mind to waver in this evil age. Only let not your heart be troubled. He’s with you.
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