
7 Results

A Famine of Hearing the Words of the Lord

Because the world is under constant development, there will be new inventions that will try to take away the people of God’s allegiance. And because of that, there shall be a scarcity of hearing sound doctrine teaching, not because they won’t be available, but because many won’t listen to such people.

Faith Without Works Is Dead — Its Meaning

One of the ways faith has to be used is simply for work. So, James 2:26 confirms it by saying that faith without works is dead. That means a believer who doesn’t use his faith to work has a dormant faith in him. And once such a person’s faith status is dormant, many divine things won’t go on so properly in that person’s life.

Let Us Go Over to the Other Side

Jesus had just finished preaching to multitudes all day. It was evening time, and he was probably tired. Peter and the other disciples may have said, “Master, let’s rest here and continue working tomorrow.” But from Jesus’ mouth, He said, “Let us go over to the other side” (see Mark 4:35). That statement meant a lot, and today, we’re going to delve deeper through this article.

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