In this highly economic world, having money is very important, although it’s not the most need in life. You can’t live for long without money on you. If you’ll eat, it’ll cost you some money; if you’ll work, you’ll need tools to do it, which also costs money. So directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, there’s money involved in everything we do.
Although I’m not a finance advisor or expert, God taught me principles of finance management from various sources – mainly through the Bible and a sermon by Pastor Vlad Savchuk, who preached on the need to have an emergency account in 2020. That has helped me for the past three years as I’ve seen God transform my finances all around. However, it’d be selfish to know these principles without sharing them with people like you. I hope this article blesses you.
1. The principle of saving money
Proverbs 21:20 (TLB) says,
[20] “The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.”
According to this verse, it is wise to save money for the sake of your future. And on the other way round, it’s foolishness to spend everything you get. Now, note that this scripture doesn’t give exceptions to people earning meagre salaries or depending on others for provision. It applies to every single human being on the surface of this earth.
God is very compassionate yet principled. He doesn’t adjust His principles to suit any human behaviour or an unforeseen condition. So you might complain that your salary or wage isn’t enough. But to God, spending everything you get is foolishness.
Did you know that until you give, you cannot receive more? If you keep spending everything you get on yourself and not save some towards the future based on the direction of God’s vision, you’ll not see God’s favour provide for you in ways you never imagined.
Go ahead. Create a separate bank account and save an amount of every money you get there. That will help you so much.
God is very compassionate yet principled. He doesn’t adjust His principles to suit any human behaviour or an unforeseen condition.
2. The principle of sowing and reaping
In Genesis 8:22, God said a principle that has tarried on this earth to date. That principle is, in short, the principle of sowing and reaping. Whatever you sow today, you’ll reap it tomorrow, but not as how you sow it. It’ll be in an increasing return. That’s why this principle is good as well as dangerous. Why? Because if you sow what’s good, you’ll yield good returns. And if you sow what’s evil, you’ll get nasty returns. Proverbs 13:21 (NKJV) says,
[21] “Evil pursues sinners,
Proverbs 13:21 (NKJV)
But to the righteous, good shall be repaid.”
I believe this principle also applies to finance management. If you use your money to invest in doing evil things like purchasing secular event tickets, killing people, sports betting, sexual trafficking, fornication and all other sins, you’re going to reap evil results. But if you use your money to invest in building God’s kingdom, you’ll reap divine rewards. For this sake, never give less to God.
3. The principle of purposeful demarcation of investments
Solomon, the richest man who has ever lived on the face of this Earth, said in Ecclesiastes 11:2 (NIV) that,
“Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.”
Solomon knew that to do well in finances, demarcating his investments wasn’t an option. He had to do it. So, in your own yes, it’s not prudent to invest in one venture. You’ve got to invest in many as the Lord leads you, although you can invest more in one area of your most focus. Nevertheless, because of how uncertain this world is, trust God in whatever you put your money in, provided that venture doesn’t lead people to do evil things such as gambling and fornication.
I pray that the Lord helps you see transformation in your life as you follow these three principles of finance management.
You’re a blessing!