Reject Some Offers to Stay with God’s Vision
God is good and wants your life to be more than ordinary. Live focused, and don’t let what others do which are not part of your divine agenda affect you. Reject some offers to stay with God’s vision.
Ways to follow
God is good and wants your life to be more than ordinary. Live focused, and don’t let what others do which are not part of your divine agenda affect you. Reject some offers to stay with God’s vision.
Plans are good and having a vision is essential in life. Why? At least, it gives a person’s life a sense of purpose and direction. However, being consumed by the plans can be problematic if there is no spirit of patience, especially for Christians. Today, that advice goes to you.
God’s Word is God’s Word. It is Truth despite the changing phases and seasons of this earth. If it says it is wise to save for the future, then that is standard whether you earn a meagre or fat salary.
In this highly economic world, having money is very important, although it’s not the most need in life. Learn these three principles of finance management from the Bible today.
Giving helps to expand the influence of God’s kingdom. But for the impact to increase we’ve got to learn how to cultivate faithfulness in financial giving unto the Lord. Learn more.
Time is one of life’s commodities you can never get back when it gets spent. It keeps running, whether you like it or not. And so, for such a precious gift from God, the best way to make the most out of it is to learn how to manage it.
When Paul inspired Timothy to watch his life and doctrine closely (1 Timothy 4:16), he was telling him to debug his life and teaching of errors and anything else that doesn’t glorify God. Today, it’s more about looking intently into what God is doing in our lives so as to take away any distraction to it.
When you seek God to know your purpose, everything in your life will become clear. Receiving ideas from the Holy Spirit will guide you to plan and execute God’s purposes in time.
Do you know that planning is essential in every person’s life? Without it, things get haphazardly done, and progress becomes hard to track. Learn how to create a personal monthly plan for yourself today.
A bug in computing is a fault in a computer program, system or machine. So an organisational bug means a prevailing fault in an institution that ought to be dealt with. Sometimes, it’s hard to detect them, even by the leader. Read more about solving these issues.
Organising your day is very essential to make the most out of it. But in most cases, people are caught up with a lot to do while being productive with little. Learn how to practice day organisation today.