
12 Results

Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing

God is a Spirit (see John 4:24). That means, what He will directly give you will be of spiritual substance, not material things. So, if He wants to provide you with something material, He’ll use a human or something earthly (including animals) to give you that, not He Himself. Therefore, for the Bible to say He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing means that whatever spiritual provision He wants to give you in your whole lifetime is already done.

Insurance – Should Christians Pay for It or Not?

As a child of God taught by able ministers of grace that God is our protector, it became challenging to consider paying for insurance. It wasn’t because I didn’t have money to do it. I didn’t see the worth of its subscription since it’s been fused in my Spirit that God protects me. After careful consideration of the theme, I decided to study it in the scriptures. Today, I’m glad to write an answer I got from the study.

God Is Never After Your Money But Your Heart

Several questions have been raised as to why Jesus told the rich-young ruler to sell his possessions and follow Him? But Jesus wasn’t after the man’s money. After all, He had a treasurer in His ministry. He was testing his heart. Are you allowing anything you have to take root in your heart? It’s time to lay it aside.

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