In Genesis 1:26, the Elohim came together as one and decided to create man to chair the affairs of God on earth. Eventually, God created Adam and later made Eve — his helpmeet and to dominate the Earth.
Shortly before the launch of this glorious commission, the devil came in to tempt Eve to disobey God’s command not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve fell, and later Adam got influenced too. Because no child had been born as of the time the fall happened, the corrupt nature of sin affected the whole human race.
Today, the effects of the fall are still evident in many lives, including babies. A parent doesn’t need to teach a baby evil things; it came as part of his birth because of the corruption of Adam.
Hence, until a person accepts the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart, he’ll continue to live hostile to God’s purposes. That is why many people live confused, not knowing what to use their lives to do. Many lack a sense of purpose in whatever they’re doing. And because of this plague, several things are being done that aren’t in line with God’s purpose. So today, a person starts to build something, and it doesn’t last.
I’ve watched several people fail projects. And I kept asking myself why? Later, I encountered Psalm 127:1, which says,
“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”
Except the Lord build the house
From the verse above, I understood that if any man doesn’t build everything according to God’s pattern, all his labour is in vain. In other words, there’s no reward for the person who does anything God hasn’t ordained him to use his life for.
You may be building a ministry, but God may have called you to be a businessman. Or probably God has called you to reach prison inmates with the gospel, but you’re preaching on the streets. People will still encounter the gospel as you preach, but that area of ministry in your life will hardly see a tremendous progression.
Seek God to know your purpose
It’s better to seek God to know your specific purpose for existence rather than always experimenting with many things God hasn’t called you to do.
I really do many things. But all those things I do are rooted in one central point – my purpose for living. So should every man’s life should be. You will do so many things, but if you find it hard to link each activity to God’s purpose, it’s time to go back to God for clarity of purpose revelation.
When you seek God in prayer, fellowshipping with Him, He’ll reveal your purpose. And once you know it, your life will move in a specific direction. Each idea you receive from the Spirit will find meaning in your life and makes life planning so easy to do – both personally and organisationally.
Plan and execute God-inspired ideas
When God gives you an idea, it means He has built on that idea in the Spirit and therefore counts on you to replicate it on Earth so His kingdom will expand. That’s why neglecting kingdom idea is detrimental to your purpose because you’ll be hindering God’s agenda from getting fulfilled on Earth.
Capture those thoughts in your phone notes using apps like Apple Notes, Google Keep or Microsoft OneNote. Then, get enough time to plan how to go about each one according to specific timelines. You’ll then see meaningful progress in your life because you’ll build everything according to God’s pattern. You’re a blessing!
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