Salvation is undoubtedly one of the most preached themes from the Bible globally. That is because it’s very fundamental to the faith in Christ since God wants all men first, to be saved, and second, to come to the knowledge of the truth (see 1 Timothy 2:4). In this article, I would like to highlight on the meaning of God’s salvation and the reasons behind it.
The meaning of God’s salvation
The word “salvation” comes from the root word “sōtēria,” which means three things:
- Deliverance [from the molestation of enemies].
- Preservation [keep intact against corruption].
- Safety [of the soul – that is, security of your identity in the Lord].
So salvation goes beyond the regeneration of the spirit of man to the safety, preservation and deliverance of man’s whole life from the power of darkness to the kingdom of Jesus Christ (see Colossians 1:13). But how does one get saved? Simply by grace through faith (see Ephesians 2:8).
In John 1:17, the Bible tells us that Jesus is the person of grace and truth. So if salvation is by grace, then it’s the sole responsibility of Jesus Christ to save people. However, He sends preachers and gives them the word of reconciliation (see Romans 1:15, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19). So that when people hear the message of Christ, the Holy Spirit will convict them of sin through godly sorrow in their hearts, which leads to them accepting Jesus Christ (see 2 Corinthians 7:10).
After accepting Jesus into your life, what next? If it’s about going to heaven, you’re already there in case Jesus comes today because it’s by faith in Christ that you go to heaven, not your human works. But Jesus didn’t take you away from the Earth when you got saved. Why? Because there’s more to the life He has for you here on Earth.
Jesus didn’t take you away from the Earth when you got saved; because there’s more to the life He has for you here on Earth.
Two primary reasons behind God’s salvation
There are a number of reasons why salvation is necessary in each person’s life beyond the security of a place in heaven it gives you. But I’ll focus on two major ones in this article.
#1 For God to transform lives and enable them to fulfil their divine purposes
You’re not an accident for being here on Earth. God has a plan for you, even before you came to be a blood clot in your mother’s womb (see Jeremiah 29:11). However, all these plans don’t get fulfilled by automation. Because God works in and with those who are His, even though He provides for all manner of people.
For example, when it rains, both believers and unbelievers enjoy the water. God provided the rain for everyone because He loves all people. Meanwhile, He only sends ministers to preach the gospel, not unbelievers. So even if an unbeliever has the destiny to become a global preacher, once he doesn’t know Christ, he’ll use his life to do other things he likes, missing his destiny big time. Sometimes, these things happen without the victims even knowing it.
God works in and with those who are His, even though He provides for all manner of people.
For God to fulfil His purpose in your life, He has to continually work in you to will and do His good pleasure (see Philippians 2:13). And that is only possible after you get saved, not before. That is why nobody works for his salvation; only believers work out their salvation with fear and trembling, sponsored by grace (see Philippians 2:12).
God is your source. And when you get connected to Him through salvation, He claims the full authority of His Lordship over your life and helps you walk in good works, just as you got created in Christ to live (see Ephesians 2:10).
Nobody works for his salvation; only believers work out their salvation with fear and trembling.
#2 To destroy the works of the devil
The world is in the hands of the devil (see 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19). That is why there is so much disorderliness everywhere. I’m not just talking about physical wars and bad conditions of life. I’m referring to the consistent evil thought patterns of people, which many manifest as works of darkness. Sometimes, it affects believers who are ignorant of the devil’s schemes.
For example, God never created this world to be a place the sin called stealing exists. But since man fell from grace and sin entered the world (see Romans 5:12), it’s now easy for people to think of stealing their friend’s possessions rather than protecting them for them. Those thoughts behind those actions are out of God’s order. Hence, they got supported by the devil.
Jesus came to seek all of those lost things (and people) and save them all (see Luke 19:10). When He said that, Zacchaeus, the tax collector was the one who received salvation. He didn’t just repent of sin but vowed to return the monies of all the people he had cheated (Luke 19:8-9). So salvation is beyond repentance. It’s to transform your life and revert anything the devil has been doing with your life – whether it’s secret sins, evil family patterns, lack of direction in life, sicknesses and all other works of darkness (see 1 John 3:8). So that when all things are back in God’s order, Christ will fill all things – which is His mission (see Ephesians 2:10).
If you’re not saved, accept Christ today by saying this prayer aloud to release your faith.
Dear Lord, thank You for giving me Your Son Jesus Christ to come and die for a wretched man like me. Today, I accept Jesus as my Lord and personal saviour. I will follow You all the days of my life, and serve You by divine enablement. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, send us an email via Our ministry has discipleship classes for people online, and we’d love to connect with you.
Also, you can learn how to lead people to get saved in this article on our ministry website.