One time, a rich young ruler came to Jesus, asking how he could inherit eternal life. Jesus asked whether he had obeyed all the commands of God. And the ruler said, “yes, since infancy” (Luke 18:19-21).
Jesus, knowing that the man had passed the physical test, proceeded to test his heart. So He told the young man, “ … Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Luke 18:22 (NIV).
When the man heard this, he felt sad because he was very wealthy (Luke 18:23 NIV). It was then Jesus realised that he had failed the test of the heart.
Did Jesus want the rich-young ruler to be poor?
Several questions have been raised from this happening in the Bible. Some say that Jesus wanted the man to be poor, and that’s why He told him to sell his possessions. That is not true.
However, I grew up hearing this deception from several people’s mouths, claiming that only poor people can follow God because of this teaching. What a lie!
Today, it’s difficult for the average believer to think he can serve God and be rich simultaneously. Meanwhile, that’s our kingdom inheritance.
If Jesus wanted the man’s wealth, He would have initially told Him to sell His possessions before asking Him whether He had obeyed the commandments. He wanted every part of the ruler’s life to be right with God, not to make him poor.
Jesus, after all, had a treasurer in His ministry. He wasn’t poor. As a matter of fact, being a rich Christian living on purpose makes fulfilling God’s mandates easier because you’ll not struggle to do anything that involves huge sums of money.
Jesus became poor so you will become rich
2 Corinthians 8:9 reads,
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
Jesus took upon Himself the holy sacrifice to remove poverty from the Earth so that the children of God would be rich. But what kind of poverty did he take away?
1. Spiritual poverty
Before Jesus came to the Earth, there was no fear of God in people’s eyes (Psalm 36:1). Everyone was moving astray from God, like sheep without a shepherd (Isaiah 53:6). So when Jesus died on the cross and resurrected, He provided a remedy for people, including you and me to be reconnected back to God.
2. Soul poverty
In speaking about soul prosperity, Jesus has provided God’s Word, which through it, our whole minds will be transformed to know and prove the perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2).
3. Physical Poverty
Physical poverty is one of the most talked about the subject of prosperity. But it’s not the main thing. Question!
If I give you all the money in this world and you don’t have any great idea to use it purposefully, won’t you misuse it?
God knows wealth without spiritual understanding is vain. That’s why some rich people end up dying poor.
When God has your heart, your consistent fellowship with Him will guard your life. God is never after your money but your heart. He knows that if He gets your heart, spending to see His kingdom work advance won’t be burdensome to you. Because your treasure is at where your heart is (Matthew 6:21). Don’t seek God for what He’ll give you; seek Him for who He is.