Timely Obedience to God – Joseph’s Case as an Example


Timely obedience to God can prevent delays in your life and save generations of people from encountering things they aren’t supposed to. Never disregard God’s Word of instruction.


Obedience to God may seem like a forgotten topic in Christendom these days. Many people are in for doing something with their lives, busily chasing money and leaving God aside. For some believers, coming to church on Sundays has become a problem because they use it as a restful day or a day to go about other business-related activities. But choices are more powerful than statistics. That means you can be the difference among many others.

Warnings from God

Joseph, the earthly father of our Lord Jesus Christ, was a very noble man. He didn’t take God’s instructions lightly as some do today, although his emotions and thoughts were not so fixated on keeping Mary. Why do I say that? Because it took an angel to appear to him in a dream to tell him to take Mary home as his wife before he dropped his divorce intentions (see Matthew 1:20).

Because God saw how obedient he was, He knew that giving impromptu instructions to him concerning Mary and the baby’s life would receive immediate obedience. Joseph was not a prophet. So, he didn’t know how to discern futuristic happenings in the Spirit realm to take action. God saw that King Herod wanted Jesus killed. God stepped in to give him a dream through an angel, and he gladly obeyed, saving Jesus’ life. How prompt are you in responding to instructions? Are you like Jonah, who decided to run away from God’s call, or Joseph, who still obeyed God despite the coldness of nighttime travel?

No time to waste

You may be a teenager or young adult reading this now, so you may think you have more years ahead of your life. Can I tell you something? That mentality is wrong. You don’t have time. Timely obedience to God can prevent delays in your life and save generations of people from encountering things they aren’t supposed to. Never disregard God’s Word of instruction.

You are a blessing!

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