Worship God in spirit and truth


Have you ever thought of what Jesus meant when He told the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob that “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” – John 4:24 (NKJV)?

Maybe you’ve grown up thinking worship is all about slow songs sung during church service. But it goes far beyond it. Jesus says we must worship God in spirit and truth. But why? Because God is Spirit.

What does it mean to worship God as Jesus described? That’s the purpose of this article.

Worshipping God in spirit

I checked multiple Bible translations for the case of the letter “s” in the word “spirit” used in John 4:24. For the first one, it was a capital “S” for “Spirit,” and for the second one, it was a small “s” for “spirit.” So God is Spirit. But those who worship him must do so in spirit and truth. So I asked myself, “how can we worship God in spirit?” Then I proceeded to study.

The word “spirit” Jesus used to describe true worshippers has the same meaning as “Spirit” used to describe God. It’s translated as “Pneuma,” which is the Holy Spirit. That means to worship God in Spirit; be born again so that you’ll have an established spiritual connection with God.

When you’re connected to God in Spirit, there’ll be a consistent flow of divinity in your life, especially through prayer and spiritual songs. As that goes on, you’re actually worshipping God.

Worshipping God in truth

The word “truth,” as used in John 4:24, means “reality.” So to say, “I am worshipping God in truth,” means that you’re upholding God’s Word over your personal will and ambitions. In other words, walking in obedience to God’s Word is worship. Jesus said in John 14:15 that,

“If you love Me, keep My commandments.”

So to spell love to God, just obey Him with a sincere heart. That’s genuine worship.

I hope this article was a blessing to you. You can sign up here to receive new teachings in your inbox.

Also, read a similar devotional written by me on our ministry website here.

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