Frankly, I’ve never seen a tasteless salt before. So I find it hard to understand what Jesus meant by saying, “If the salt loses its saltiness…” (Matthew 5:13). But thanks be unto the Holy Spirit for interpretation of the Word. Today, I want to touch on the question, what does it mean for a Christian to lose his saltiness? But before that, let us see what is written in the entire Matthew 5:13, which appears to be the scripture this article is built upon.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
Matthew 5:13 (NIV)
You are the salt of the Earth
What is the use of salt when preparing food? To give it a taste, right? When the food is ready, you’ll not see a salt lump in it. Nevertheless, its impact is felt in every part of the same food. According to this understanding, if, as a child of God, you’re the salt of the earth, then you cannot but live an impactful life. You may not be famous for all that you do to make Christ known to people. Nonetheless, if before God, your work is well done, focus on Him, and you’ll not lose your reward for your labour in His kingdom.
But if the salt loses its saltiness
Here is where the question lies. Salt, in real life, cannot lose its saltiness or flavour. So, for Jesus to say if it loses its saltiness, obviously, He wasn’t referring to typical salt. Instead, He was referring to we believers in Christ. According to Jesus, a believer can lose his saltiness. But in what way? It’s mainly by not living in the consciousness of your identity in Christ.
Imagine a child of a king living as a beggar in the streets. Instead of walking in his identity as a royal and impacting others, people will rather feel pity for his life. That is how many Christians are living today.
Many are saved but don’t know who God has made them. Why? Because such people don’t take responsibility for personal spiritual growth in Christ. Another appalling thing happening today is that many aren’t taking church seriously. Some go and don’t even revise the sermon notes they take within the week. Others fellowship with the world by listening to secular music – a shameful thing a Christian must never do! It’s so pathetic that these things keep happening. But listen to what Jesus says about such people.
It is no longer good for anything
How does it feel to live as a child of God and not be relevant in God’s purposes as far as this world is concerned? Very appalling, right? Yet, that is what Jesus said about anyone who loses his saltiness (consciousness of who he is in Christ) life will become.
Today, many people claim to be in church and don’t serve God in their various vocations, be it ministry or at that secular workplace. As you read this, use it to evaluate your life in the sincerity of your heart. May the Lord heal you!
Thrown out and trampled underfoot.
Secondly, Jesus said any Christian who loses his saltiness is thrown out and trampled underfoot because he becomes good for nothing. That is what happens when a child of God mingles with unbelievers so much that they start deceiving and corrupting his mindset about life till it goes beyond control. It’s sad to say that many of these kinds of believers listen to the bad news flying over the media more than they read their Bibles. What a tragedy!
Preserve yourself in holiness
What’s next after reading all these? Preserve yourself in holiness by living by grace. Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2). Speak well to people. Leave an impact in whatever you do as of today. May the good Lord help you continue seasoning your word with Christ’s impact.