For many years in church, I’ve heard several people encourage generous giving among ourselves as brethren in Christ. Scriptures like 2 Corinthians 9:7 and Luke 6:38 have been used to teach about giving several times. And, of course, that’s not bad. In fact, repetition of doctrine is profitable to get the Word of God established in the hearts of congregants. Today, I want to focus on answering the question: What does it mean to be a cheerful giver, as written in 2 Corinthians 9:7? However, before that, let’s read 2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV.
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
The scriptural meaning of “cheerful.”
The word “cheerful,” as used in the above Bible verse, is from the Greek word “ἱλαρός,” which means ‘joyous’ or ‘prompt to do anything.’ So with this understanding in perspective, God wants His children to become joyous givers who’re prompt to do anything to advance His mission on Earth through the Church – that is, to make Jesus fill all things (see Ephesians 4:10).
But how is this possible in a world where scarcity of resources abounds in every place? That is where the breakdown of 2 Corinthians 9:7 interpretation begins.
Give as you purpose in your heart
Before Paul concluded that God loves a cheerful giver, He started the same verse (2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV), saying, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart”. The word ‘purposes’ in that verse might look confusing if you study it in plain English. Its Greek word is “προαιρέομαι,” which means ‘to choose for oneself before another thing.’
Therefore, one way to become a cheerful giver is by constantly deciding what to give from the depth of your heart, even before bringing it to the offering table. Nevertheless, how many people do this?
Plan your offering
If God stresses on you deciding what to give, then it’s your responsibility to plan your offering. Although this planning is specifically for giving in the ministry, how best you’ll practise it is deeply rooted in your knowledge about finance management.
Bishop Oyedopo once said, “Money not well managed will be squandered.” And this makes so much sense to me. No matter how much you receive as a wage, salary, gift or any form of income, you can grow it to be big if you manage your resources well.
Get this. You can never outgive God. He’s all-powerful and has no need. He’s after your heart more than your money. Because if your heart is fixed on Him, there your treasure (finances) will be too (see Luke 12:34).
Put pen and paper on each piece of money you receive, apportioning some to God (through the ministry you belong to), yourself (personal needs) and family needs, and save some. Doing this will prevent you from using money haphazardly. Moreover, it creates flexibility in your financial life as a child of God.
You can never outgive God. He’s all-powerful and has no need. He’s after your heart more than your money, because if your heart is fixed on Him, there your treasure (finances) will be too.
Don’t give grudgingly
Secondly, we’re admonished in 2 Corinthians 9:7 not to give grudgingly. To grudge means to complain. It might not show in a person’s physical attitude but deeply in the heart. But Proverbs 16:2 NIV says,
“All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the LORD.”
You might not physically complain when you’re giving to the Lord because others are around, but God knows your heart. Sometimes, it’s not the people’s fault but the ministers. That is, there are a number of ministries that are so focused on reaching monetary goals that they manipulate their congregants to give beyond their measure, which is very bad. I’ve personally encountered people who refused to go to church on Sunday because they didn’t have the money the church wanted them to give. What a tragedy.
My Pastor, Apostle Justice Osei Kwadwo Agyemang once said, “The church is a people institution, not a financial institution.” So as a minister in the ministry, don’t get enslaved to reaching the financial goals of the church, so much so that you start manipulating God’s sheep to give beyond their capacity. Many won’t complain to you for your actions, but God will see it.
On the other way round, as a congregant, decide what to give in your heart. Be firm with it, and pray for God to supply resources to you so you can give some; because you cannot give what you don’t have.
Don’t give out of necessity
Responsibility is key as a mature believer in Christ. However, there’s grace for such a realm of living. If you struggle to give financially to your ministry, quit making it a holy rule to support the ministry with a fixed quota of your resources. Instead, ask God for the grace of giving. Possessing that will help you give bountifully without any hint of financial struggles.
Above all, remember that God loves a cheerful giver. Therefore, He supplies grace and wisdom to give and support His work. Let this teaching become rooted in your spirit.
You’re a blessing.