Spiritual Understanding

Showing 12 of 28 Results

Praise God for Bearing Christ’s Sufferings – 1 Peter 4 v 15-16

As a child of God, let it be in your consciousness that the fact that you’re born again means you’re odd. And that oddness isn’t because of anything wrong you’ve done; it’s just because God has chosen you. For that sake, you will be persecuted. But when it happens, instead of bowing down in shame, praise God for bearing Christ’s sufferings in your body.

Insurance – Should Christians Pay for It or Not?

As a child of God taught by able ministers of grace that God is our protector, it became challenging to consider paying for insurance. It wasn’t because I didn’t have money to do it. I didn’t see the worth of its subscription since it’s been fused in my Spirit that God protects me. After careful consideration of the theme, I decided to study it in the scriptures. Today, I’m glad to write an answer I got from the study.

Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit of God – What Does It Mean?

Some believers do things which rather grieve the Spirit instead of glorifying Him in our lives. And sincerely speaking, many of these believers don’t know or like what they’re doing because God prompts them to stop it. Learn what it means when the Bible says “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.”

What Does It Mean for a Christian to Lose His Saltiness?

Salt, in real life, cannot lose its saltiness or flavour. So, for Jesus to say if it loses its saltiness, obviously, He wasn’t referring to typical salt. Instead, He was referring to we believers in Christ. According to Jesus, a believer can lose his saltiness. But in what way? It’s mainly by not living in the consciousness of your identity in Christ.

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