
Faith Without Works Is Dead — Its Meaning

One of the ways faith has to be used is simply for work. So, James 2:26 confirms it by saying that faith without works is dead. That means a believer who doesn’t use his faith to work has a dormant faith in him. And once such a person’s faith status is dormant, many divine things won’t go on so properly in that person’s life.

Judgment of False Teachers – 2 Peter 2v4-8

When humans sin, it really infuriates God. I believe the ongoing sins in this generation are far worse than those committed by the people who lived in Noah’s time. But one thing that hasn’t made God wipe out the human race was the declaration He made when Noah offered a sacrifice unto Him that He won’t destroy the Earth with water again (see Genesis 8:21). Nevertheless, the second coming of Jesus is near, and God will judge the Earth. So live clean before Him.

Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing

God is a Spirit (see John 4:24). That means, what He will directly give you will be of spiritual substance, not material things. So, if He wants to provide you with something material, He’ll use a human or something earthly (including animals) to give you that, not He Himself. Therefore, for the Bible to say He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing means that whatever spiritual provision He wants to give you in your whole lifetime is already done.

Beware of False Prophets – 2 Peter 2v1-3

Have you heard of the Bereans in Acts 17:10-15. Paul preached the Word powerfully to them. But they went to check the scriptures to confirm whether or not what Paul said was true. That is wisdom. It is not enough to hear the Word of God being preached. You must know God for yourself. When you know God, you will understand His ways and, therefore, not follow the destructive ways of the false prophets.

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