Study Scripture

Curated Bible Study Content from Christ in Andy and team.

Showing 12 of 28 Results

Give the devil No Chance – 1 Peter 5 v 8-11

Amongst the many enemies believers have, the chief is the devil. He has no love, pity or sense of humour. Even in John 10:10, Jesus said clearly that this devil exists just to steal, kill and destroy. In this study scripture article, we will delve deeper into what the Apostle Paul wrote concerning this devil. After reading this article, I pray that you will know how to give no chance to the devil in your faith journey.

Submission and Humility Go Hand-in-Hand – 1 Peter 5 v 5-7

It’s understandable that because knowledge has increased in this generation, the young generation may be more exposed to much more information and light from scripture. But God’s word says the younger should submit to the elder. Why? Because such a grown man may have experiences in life the young generation doesn’t have. So, for the young to listen to them, they could avoid certain mistakes. However, no young person can obey this scripture if one doesn’t clothe oneself in humility. Here’s how submission and humility go hand-in-hand.

Shepherd God’s Flock Well – 1st Peter 5 v 1-4

1st Peter chapter 5 is the last chapter of the epistle. And although the Apostle spoke about various things in previous verses, he knew that it was worth it to conclude his epistle by giving spiritual advice to pastors, which when followed, will sustain God’s church. Find out some explained things, all from 1 Peter 5:1-4, pastors must do in doing God’s work with excellence and diligence.

Praise God for Bearing Christ’s Sufferings – 1 Peter 4 v 15-16

As a child of God, let it be in your consciousness that the fact that you’re born again means you’re odd. And that oddness isn’t because of anything wrong you’ve done; it’s just because God has chosen you. For that sake, you will be persecuted. But when it happens, instead of bowing down in shame, praise God for bearing Christ’s sufferings in your body.

Serve for God’s Glory – 1 Peter 4 v 7-11

1st Peter chapter 4 verses 7 to 11 covers general instructions to all believers in Christ, concerning how we ought to live careful lives and behave well to one another as we serve for God’s glory. The instructions are many. But today, by God’s grace, I’ll take them one by one and delve deeper into this article. So don’t stop here. Go ahead and read on.

Christ Also Suffered for Sins – 1 Peter 3 v 18-20

Today’s Word is a reference to our suffering and probably an encouraging message to you and me. That is, our author and finisher of our faith, Christ, also suffered for sins. So even though we suffer for righteousness’ sake, Christ suffered and paid the price of the righteousness we are in Him.

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