Using Tech Tools To Enhance Your Bible Reading


Bible reading is one of the essential spiritual disciplines in Christ that helps believers grow spiritually and in the knowledge of God’s Word. While some people read the Bible regularly, others, especially aged people, struggle to do so, probably because of excessive time given to life demands and responsibilities, and also a lack of technical know-how.

Fortunately, several technological tools have been programmed by Christian developers all over the world to solve these issues. But again, a problem arises. People don’t know how to use these tech tools to enhance their daily Bible reading. So I decided to write an informative article about it. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

Connecting to God through technology

1. Use of audio Bibles

Amongst all the already-built tech tools to enhance your daily Bible reading, audio Bibles is the one I recommend best. I say this because it’s easy to use, even for disabled people. You can simply play it and keep doing other things as you listen to God’s Word. As for me, I use it, especially during weekday mornings, when I hardly get time to sit by my physical Bible to read at least one chapter because of work.

In Bible apps like YouVersion, there are several languages in audio Bibles aside from English. So instead of playing music with an earpiece, AirPod or in your car, why don’t you try listening to scriptures on your way to work or school or even on a busy day? I can tell you that you’ll cover many areas of the Bible faster by listening to it than by reading it.

However, note that the goal isn’t to finish reading or listening to the Bible. It is to build a consistent connection with God’s Word for your own spiritual enlightenment and maturity.

2. Use of Bible reading reminders and streaks

I love the “streaks” feature in the YouVersion Bible app. It helps you build commitment to God’s Word by using the mobile application daily.

Also, about reading reminders, the YouVersion Bible app has that feature for just reading plans, but not the Bible. However, you can use a third-party app like Apple Reminders, Google Tasks or Microsoft To Do to set reminders at specific times during the day on endless repeats to help you remember to read the Bible. 

These reminders will help you build discipline around your daily connection to scripture. As long as you read the Bible when you see the reminder daily, a time will come you’ll no longer need the reminder to know what to do at that specific time. Your memory will do this work.

Never run around excusing yourself of not connecting to God’s Word because of life duties. There’s always a way around these things.

I hope this article has helped you. If you want more in your inbox, consider signing up here. Go and practise what you’ve learnt today. Shalom!

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