Turn Over Your Problems To Grace


Everybody has problems in life. You can testify to the truth that it’s not everything currently happening in your life that’s favourable to you. Right? There is chaos everywhere, mainly because this world is under the rulership of the evil one – the devil (see 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19). But a part of Jesus’ mission is to restore every chaos to God’s order by the power of the gospel of His kingdom, which I am a preacher of it. No matter what you’re currently facing in your life, I would like to urge you to turn over your problems to grace to see lasting solutions.

Jesus is the person of grace

You may ask that when I say “turn over your problems to grace,” who do I mean when I say “grace”? It is Jesus. John 1:17 says,

“For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

John 1:17 (NKJV)

So Jesus is the person of grace. Hence when you turn over your problems to Him, He takes responsibility for them. And I can assure you that He won’t fail you.

Have you not read what He told the disciples,

“… and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Matthew 28:20 (NKJV)

He has vowed never to leave nor forsake you. But the question is, “Can you recognise Him first when there are issues in your life?”

Pray about your issues first

Mary, the mother of Jesus, taught us how to recognise Jesus as the first answer to problems. They went to a wedding with Jesus’ disciples. And as soon as the wine for the wedding got finished, she reported it to Jesus (see John 2:3). She didn’t wait for the wedding guests to complain. However, Jesus said,

“Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.”

John 2:4 (NKJV)

Jesus knew that the time for starting official ministry according to the Father’s calendar for His life on Earth wasn’t yet up. Nevertheless, Mary’s approach, which I interpret as a prayer, brought that calendar forward.

She didn’t reply to Jesus back after what He said in John 2:4. Instead, she instructed the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” – John 2:5 (NKJV)

Mary was determined to help the wedding servants regardless of Jesus’ indifference. That implies your prayer about issues changes things. You’ll be amazed at what the Lord can do for you when you bring your issues before Him in prayer. Therefore, make prayer, especially in the language of the Spirit, your first solution to every problem you face.

Your prayer about issues changes things. You’ll be amazed at what the Lord can do for you when you bring your issues before Him in prayer.

Follow God’s direction without hesitation

After Mary instructed the servants to do what Jesus said, He proceeded to give them an instruction. That is, to fill six waterpots with water (see John 2:7). After that, He told them to draw some and deliver it to the master of the feast.

If God is the one who told you to do what you’re doing, obey Him with all your heart and leave whatever consequences that may arrive unto Him.

Now imagine a servant drawing a liquid he himself hasn’t tasted before, and hence, never knew whether it’s water or wine, to his master. If the boss tasted it and it was water, he could have gotten disgraced, and the servant could have been laid off. But interestingly, that water, which Jesus turned into wine, was even better than the best wine served at the beginning of the feast. That shows how grace can take a situation from hopelessness to its best.

Sometimes, God’s instructions for dealing with your issues won’t make sense. But you must follow them without hesitation. Yes, you may look foolish to people for taking strange actions. But if God is the one who told you to do what you’re doing, obey Him with all your heart and leave whatever consequences that may arrive unto Him.

Grace gives you outstanding results when it has its perfect work in your life. Human work as a lasting solution to problems has always proven futile. When grace takes control, there’s the supplication of divine wisdom, empowerment and instructions for solutions. Subscribe to grace today, allowing God to effortlessly do mighty works in your life.

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