
Showing 12 of 14 Results

Let Us Go Over to the Other Side

Jesus had just finished preaching to multitudes all day. It was evening time, and he was probably tired. Peter and the other disciples may have said, “Master, let’s rest here and continue working tomorrow.” But from Jesus’ mouth, He said, “Let us go over to the other side” (see Mark 4:35). That statement meant a lot, and today, we’re going to delve deeper through this article.

Keep Debugging Your Life

When Paul inspired Timothy to watch his life and doctrine closely (1 Timothy 4:16), he was telling him to debug his life and teaching of errors and anything else that doesn’t glorify God. Today, it’s more about looking intently into what God is doing in our lives so as to take away any distraction to it.

What Does It Mean For God To Prune You?

Naturally, a farmer prunes trees so that they’ll bear more quality fruits and not quantity. So in pruning, some fruits get lost. However, with time, those remaining will be very good. That means God prunes our lives of every filthy impurity gradually till each attains the measure of Christ in all things.

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