God’s Great Salvation Is For You – 1 Peter 1 v 10-12


This week, by God’s special grace, I continue with the study of the first book of Peter by focusing on the 10th to 12th verses of chapter 1. Obviously, this is a continuation of what I wrote about last week’s article release titled: The genuineness of a believer’s faith (1 Peter 1:6-9). You can check it out here to take a read. But today, I want to write about God’s great salvation, which He designed for you in this dispensation of grace. I hope you’re ready. Read on!

Verse 10

[10] “Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you,”

1 Peter 1:10 (NKJV)

In the Old Testament, several people knew God and lived very great lives. Some were called the patriarchs (for example, Abraham), some, prophets (for example, Isaiah) and others, kings (like King Hezekiah). All these people did mighty things for the Lord, and till today, that history is still available for our learning (see Romans 15:4).

However, there’s a group of people who searched diligently about the dispensation of grace. They caught the revelation that a time was coming and is now here, where the children of God will encounter God’s great salvation by grace, not by obeying sets of laws and ordinances. These people are the prophets.

So 1 Peter 1:10 says the prophets inquired (of the Lord) and searched carefully (in the scriptures) about this salvation. And through their findings, they prophesied of the grace of God we’re enjoying today.

God is a progressive God

Here’s something noteworthy to understand. God is unchanging yet very progressive. He knew that sending Jesus Christ, the person of grace and truth (see John 1:17), would help to seek and save everything that was (and is still) lost, including men (mainly through salvation and discipleship) and all other evil works of the devil in the universe. That is one of the reasons why God purposed the dispensation of grace to get manifested in our time.

God is unchanging yet very progressive.

Since the prophets searched and prophesied about it, at least it gave a futuristic view of God’s plan to them and us. In God’s kingdom, answers are for questions. Today, it’s wrong to live in grace and wish you were living in the days of Elijah. Learn from what the prophets did, but live in the “now” dispensation of God’s dealing with mankind – grace.

Verse 11

[11] “searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.”

1 Peter 1:11 (NKJV)

Wait a minute. I thought the prophets just inquired of the Lord and searched diligently about the grace dispensation. But they went deeper to ask what the dispensation is and when the Spirit of Christ, helping them in their search, will see its manifestation. But God is wise. He didn’t tell anyone about when Jesus would come.

A careful reading of the various prophetic books, including the Psalms, never reveals the specific day Jesus would come. Even Daniel, the prophet who got close to this revelation, got instructed by an angel to shut up the book (see Daniel 12:4).

As to why God didn’t tell them of the time for Jesus’ incarnation, it’s up to Him. But it’s such a glory for the prophets to foresee what was ahead of them and prophesy about it. It has brought so much clarity in believing in Jesus today because of the fulfilment of numerous prophecies about His life.

The Spirit of Christ in these prophets testified of the sufferings of Christ to them. Some were written by David in Psalm 22, while Isaiah wrote some in Isaiah 53:3-10. There are more scriptures about the sufferings of Christ. These are just a few to help in your study.

Verse 12

“To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things which angels desire to look into.”

1 Peter 1:12 NKJV (Boldface mine)

So 1 Peter 1:12 clarifies what I said above. God revealed the dispensation of grace to us in full measure, not to the prophets of the Old Testament. And by this revelation of God’s great salvation received by grace through faith (see Ephesians 2:8), we, the children of God, have received the ministry of reconciliation to preach the gospel to people by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us. What a glory! These are things angels desire to look into, yet it’s for us, the children of God.

Never wish you were an angel. You’re God’s precious child purposed to live by grace. Don’t belittle His grace in your life. Let it abound in your life by positioning yourself in a way God will take charge of your well-being. You’re a blessing.

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