Three Biblical Qualifications for a Godly Man to Date


Dating? What comes to mind when you hear the word? Romantic relationships. Right? But do you know that “date” doesn’t really refer to a romantic relationship? It just means to go out with someone, usually a person you’re interested in. That’s it. However, with the rise of gender misconceptions amongst several people, especially in the United States, many are disregarding what the Bible teaches about godly dating, and that is really tragic. In this article, I will be writing on three biblical qualifications for a godly man to date, all explained from the book of Genesis in the Bible. Even though this article goes to men especially, you can still read it if you’re a lady, so you can know what to look for in any man who asks you out. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

#1 Have and work on his divine vision

One non-negotiable qualification for every man who desires to date, unto marriage, of course, is that he must know why God brought him on this Earth and actively work towards that direction. It is so significant that it makes the relationship purposeful and forward-moving. Any man who struggles with vision and is too lazy to work towards it is a dangerous person. Let’s look at Genesis 2:15.

[15] “Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”

Genesis 2:15 (NKJV)

So, after God created the Earth and furnished it with beautiful creation, He placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to dress and keep it. In other words, God prepared the place the man is supposed to work and positioned him exactly there to make that field of work better than he came to meet it. So Adam was doing God’s work before God said it was not good for him to be alone. Right? But there is more.

One non-negotiable qualification for every man who desires to date, unto marriage, of course, is that he must know why God brought him on this Earth and actively work towards that direction. It is so significant that it makes the relationship purposeful and forward-moving.

#2 Mature with sharp spiritual discernment

Right after God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” – Genesis 2:18 (KJV), scripture says in Genesis 2:19 (KJV) that

“And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”

So before God brought Adam a wife, He increased His work by forming new animals for Adam to name. But why? So that He, God, can check how spiritually mature Adam is to handle another human being yet to come into his life. Guess what? Adam was so sharp in the Spirit that whatever he called each living creature, that was the exact name in God’s mind. That is very powerful. It means that a godly man must be able to hear what is in God’s mind and also communicate it appropriately to the right people.

Dear godly spinster, check for this in the man (or men) who come to ask you out. Check whether he can pray and hear God clearly. It will bring you security, both now and in future, because such a man won’t deviate from moving in God’s direction, provided he is consistent in his walk with God. Dear man of God, work on your spiritual maturity. You must be mature to date and marry because these are not for kids.

A godly man must be able to hear what is in God’s mind and also communicate it appropriately to the right people.

#3 Must be sexually asleep

Oh…, maybe you didn’t see that well. Read it again! A godly man who is ready to date must be asleep sexually. What do I mean by that? I mean that that man shouldn’t have his sex life awake prior to marriage. He shouldn’t be going around sleeping with women. If he does that, it is a turn-off.

Now, I understand that a person may have a dark past and that God can restore such people. But I’m talking about men who are actively engaged in fornication while wanting to date or dating. In fact, once that is happening in his life, there is a higher probability that that person might cheat on the wife in marriage in future. But you may ask, what Biblical proof is there for such a doctrine? Let’s read Genesis 2:21.

[21] “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;”

Genesis 2:21 (KJV)

Look at that scripture carefully. God caused Adam to sleep before He made the woman. That word “sleep” doesn’t mean a man who desires to get married ought to be physically sleeping all day. No! It means several things in His life must not be awake, especially his sex life. That man ought to be so consumed with serving God that his desire for sex would become overshadowed. And I tell you, that is possible.

Usually, it is the mature believers who are not desperate to date that God gives them marital settlement. It was God who said Adam was alone, not Adam Himself. Sex is not the sweetest thing that can fulfil you as a single person. It is God.

Be focused on serving God. He will take care of sorting you out on who to marry.

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