Keep Debugging Your Life


When I first started reading Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at KNUST, I never knew any computer programming dictionary words. My lecturers kept saying some, like “programme,” “code,” “errors,” and “debug.” They explained some as they mentioned in class. But I wanted to get their meaning well. So most times after class, I’ll search for their definitions and see how each of those words explains something in scripture.

The meaning of debug

One time, I was going through the word “debug” in an online dictionary on my phone. And I realised that it means “to locate and correct errors in a computer program code.” I was surprised. Nevertheless, I kept its meaning in mind and decided to wait on God to show me how this word explains something in scripture. Then, later, I came across 1 Timothy 4:16, which says,

“Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

1 Timothy 4:16 (NIV)

Watch Your Life Closely

In the above verse, Paul told Timothy to be mindful first about the way he lives and second about what he’s preaching. So that he’ll stick to preaching the Truth and keep debugging his life of wrong ways of doing things that won’t end up glorifying the name of God. I see that to be applicable in our lives because we’re all not perfect.

Many times we come to Christ carrying filthy mindsets and bad behaviour. And from time to time, as we get discipled and grounded in the truth of God’s Word, we mature enough to recognise and deal with the wrongs in our lives by grace.

One powerful thing about God’s grace is its ability to give beauty to ashes.

Review your life

Every new year and season of your life is an opportunity to have fresh beginnings, to evaluate your life and vision in order to check whether you’re on God’s track or you’ve meandered. But be honest with yourself. How many times do you do that?

God has new things to teach you every season. But unless you review your life and listen to Him carefully, you’ll get distracted. We live in a busy world, and failing to stand for God’s Word in your life will end you up falling for anything.

Read: What does it mean for God to prune you?

Enable grace to handle your problems

One powerful thing about God’s grace is its ability to give beauty to ashes. Yes, you may have messed up several times in times past. But as you dedicate your life to God, He’ll give you fresh beginnings. Don’t be a control freak in aspects of your life where God is transforming. Enable grace to do the work. How? By committing to following God’s Word, not using your human efforts and strategies to change things.

The Word of God has the ability to cleanse every filthy area of your life (John 15:3). So don’t undermine it. As you receive from personal study and sermons through God’s servants, give your attention to it and apply what you learn. You’ll see that it’ll become so easy to eliminate every negativity in your life step by step, including those you aren’t even aware of.

God is on the agenda of transforming your life to be just like Jesus, so do not spoil it. Surrender to Him because it’ll end up benefiting you.

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