Cultivate The Habit of Reading Sound Christian Content


Because of fast advancements in technology, reading has been made very easy. At first, people had to walk to bookstores to buy physical books to read. Now e-books, audiobooks and even blogs are all over the internet. However, upon research, I discovered that some people struggle to cultivate the habit of reading sound Christian content. But I asked these people. Why?

Most of them told me they didn’t have the time. Some also complained of a lack of commitment to reading. And some also said they don’t have enough technical knowledge to make this a habit. So I came up with a solution to it. Maybe. This article may solve your problem too.

1. Decide on which Christian books or materials to read

I’ve met a lot of people who want to read many books. Some go to the extent of downloading many books. But eventually, you’d have to take on one at a time.

Choose which materials you want to read. Maybe one online devotional on our ministry website – or a Bible plan on the YouVersion Bible app or a Christian book. Choose one for the sake of building the habit. Later on, you can take on more than one at the same time.

2. Choose the platforms to read on

There are e-book readers all along. Maybe, you don’t like reading e-books, so you chose the hard copy. That’s not a problem. Go and get the book and start reading.

However, if you’re more technology-inclined like me, I like using reading apps like Apple Books and Adobe reader (for Android) to read books. For iPhone users, I recommend using Apple Books because of the “Reading Streaks” feature on it. It helps you to build a habit of reading as you get encouraged to use the app to read each day. For Android users, Adobe reader or Foxit reader will do.

Moreover, if you choose a reading plan on the YouVersion Bible app, it has an in-built “Streaks” feature to help you connect to God’s Word daily.

But after choosing your reading platform, what next?

3. Set reminders to read and discipline yourself to read them

Reminders are good and pretty easy to set. But when you set them to read, you must discipline yourself to adhere to it when the notification comes. Set reminders to notify you when you know you should read without distractions, probably in the morning.

4. Track your progress

Progress is so lovely to see. Everyone wants to see improvement in whatever they are doing. One way to encourage you to continue reading is to track your progress.

Before I begin each book, I check the last page number. As I read small snippets each day, I become joyful seeing that I’m gradually nearing its completion. But that doesn’t mean I read books hurriedly. I take my time to understand the concept rather than trying to finish it off soon.

Try out these simple steps, and I hope they’ll help you cultivate the habit of reading sound Christian content daily. You’re a blessing!

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